Our Stained Glass

Choose a panel you would like to read more about:

Panels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Panel One: Creation and Harmony

Genesis 1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…He divided light (Day) from darkness (Night).  God spoke into existence the heavens and the Earth – the Sun and the Moon, land and seas, plants and vegetation.  He formed the creatures of the skies and seas, and the creatures on land. Rain does not exist. Mist watered the earth. Man and creation was in perfect harmony.

1     创造与和洽

创世记 1



Panel Two: The Fall and Disharmony

Genesis 2-3

God made Man in his own image, “male and female He made them.” Man is the crown of God’s creation.  Adam and Eve enjoyed complete freedom and fullness of life in the Garden of Eden.  Together with all God’s blessings is the freedom to choose God’s way and the will to obey God’s word.

Tempted by the devil in the form of a serpent, Adam and Eve sinned against God by choosing to disobey and fell from the grace of living in God’s presence.  This picture depicts the consequences of their rebellion. Separated from God, they experienced disharmony with God, self, others and with nature. However, God does not abandon Man in his predicament but gave the Promise of Salvation, (Genesis 3:15), as shown by the beckoning Hand and Eve’s foot crushing the serpent’s head and the serpent wounding Eve’s heel. Thus begins the Journey of God’s GRACE to mankind as represented by the rainbow that you will see throughout the stained glass picture.

2       堕落与不和洽



蛇的化身魔鬼,极力诱惑亚当与夏娃,使他们犯罪,选择違背上帝。他们从与上帝同在荣耀的地位落。这画表达人背判上帝的结局是与上帝隔绝,他们面临与上帝,自我,他人和自然界的不和洽。但是,上帝却没有弃绝人,而給予人类获得拯救的应许。( 创3:15)


Panel Three: Noah And The Flood

Genesis 6-9

In the process of time, man grew in numbers. However, their ways were so increasingly sinful and violent that God destroyed them with The Flood. Only Noah was found righteous. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. By God’s grace, with their wives, this family of 8 were saved as God instructed them to build a gigantic Ark prior to the rain which lasted forty days and nights. God instructed Noah to take with him into the Ark a pair, male and female, of all animals, in order to keep the species alive on earth. Noah is seen here receiving the dove that was sent out to see if the water had receded.(Genesis 8:11). The Rainbow in the sky is the sign of God’s Covenant that He will not destroy the Earth with Flood waters again.(Genesis 9:11-16)

3   挪亚与洪水

创世记  6~9章

着时间的进展,在地上的人口增加,但是他们的罪恶通天,上帝要用洪水毁他们。只有挪亚在上帝看来是义人。他有三个儿子,闪,含与雅弗。上帝的恩典,指示他们造一艘巨大的方舟,全家八个人进入方舟得以拯救。並把所有飞禽走成双成对带入方舟,以保持物种的延续。大雨连续下了40昼夜。挪亚放出鴿子以测水从地上退了没有,在画里可看出鸽子返耒报喜讯 ( 创 8:11)。天空上的彩虹是上帝立约的记号,不再用洪水灭绝地上万物。(创 9:11~16)

Panel Four: Tower Of Babel

Genesis 11

From Noah’s three sons came the nations of the earth.; Shem became the father of the Semetic race; Ham, the father of the Canaanites and Japheth, the father of all the coastland peoples of the Gentiles.  At that time, the whole earth knew only one language. Out of pride and self gratification, Man decided to stay together and make a name for themselves by building a city and tower whose top reaches the heavens depicted by the picture. The Bible tells us that God confused their language, so that they no longer understood each other. Thus they were scattered over the earth forming different people groups.

4  巴比塔



Panel Five: Call of Abraham

Genesis 12 and 22

This the high point in the history of human race.

Abraham, a descendant from Shem, was called by God. Genesis 12:1-3: “ Get out from your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

The picture here shows Abraham’s faith in God’s provision. In obedience, he was about to sacrifice his only heir, Isaac, when God stopped him and provided a ram as burnt offering. By God’s grace, Abraham was blessed. From Isaac comes the nation of Israel and the Messianic line.

5    亚伯拉罕的呼召


这是人类历史的高峯,亚伯拉罕是闪族的后代,响应了上帝的呼召,创12:1~3 [ 你要离开本地,本族,父家去我所要指示你的地,我必叫你成为大国,我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。为你祝福的,我必赐福与他,那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他,地上的万族都要因你得福。]


Panel Six: The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Genesis 24, 49 and Deuteronomy 33

From Isaac came Jacob, who was later renamed Israel by God. He had twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel. Recorded are Jacob’s and Moses’ prophecies of them.

  1. Tribe of Reuben, firstborn, strong and excellency of dignity and power – represented by an Eagle.
  2. Tribe of Simeon, instruments of violence are in his dwelling place, in his anger slew a man – represented by a Sword.
  3. Tribe of Levi, teach the law…put incense… burnt sacrifice on God’s altar – represented by a Lampstand and Scroll.
  4. Tribe of Judah, couches as a lion…the scepter shall not depart from Judah – represented by a Lion.
  5. Tribe of Zebulun, shall dwell by the haven of the sea… become a haven for ships – represented by the Ship.
  6. Tribe of Issachar, a strong donkey…bowed his shoulder to bear a burden – represented by a Donkey with Burden.
  7. Tribe of Dan, judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel…like a serpent by the way – represented by Weighing Scale and Serpent.
  1. Tribe of Gad, a troop shall raid him…but he shall triumph…enlarges his tent – represented by a Tent.
  2. Tribe of Asher, bread from Asher is rich…dwell in a land of grain and new wine – represented by Wheat Grain.
  3. Tribe of Napthali, a deer let loose…uses beautiful words…full of God’s blessings – represented by Mountain Deer.
  4. Tribe of Joseph, a fruitful bough…they are… of Ephraim and… of Manasseh – represented by a large Tree with two smaller Trees.
  1. Tribe of Benjamin, a ravenous wolf…devour the prey…divide the spoil – represented by a Wolf.

6   以色列的12支派



1   流便支派: 长子,强壮,大有尊荣,权力超众,以鹰为表。

2  西缅支派:   在所居住之地,是暴力的器具,趁怒杀害人命,以剑为表。

3  利支派:   教导律法,焚香,献燔祭在上帝的坛上,以灯台和经卷为表。

4  犹大支派:   臥蹲如獅,圭杖必不离犹大,以獅为表。

5  西布倫支派:住在海口,必成为船舶的天堂,以船为表。

6  以萨迦支派:强壮的驴,低肩背重,以负重的驴为表。

7  但支派:   判断以色列民,作为以色列支派之一,好像道路上的蛇,以天平与蛇为表。

8  迦得支派:被军追逼,却要战他们,并增添帷幕,以帐幕为表。

9  亚设支派:地必出肥美的粮食,住在殼粮和新酒之地,以麥子为表。

10  拿弗他支派:被释放的母鹿,出嘉美的言语,上帝祝福滿滿,以山鹿为表。

11  约瑟支派:多结果的树枝,如以法莲与玛拿西,以大树荫护二小树为表。

12   便雅悯支派:  撕掠的狼,吃他所抓的,分他所夺的,以狼为表。

Panel Seven: Life of Joseph

Genesis 37-50

The picture here shows Joseph being thrown into the pit by his jealous brothers and later sold to Egypt. Reuben and Judah holding Joseph’s colourful coat given by his father Jacob. Finally, Joseph’ gift of interpreting dreams and wise administration saved him and earned him Pharaoh’s trust. He became the governor in Egypt. Here, he is holding a cup which he pretends to accuse Benjamin of stealing, as he wants them to bring his father Jacob to him. He saved Egypt from starvation. He forgave his brothers and reunited with them. He has two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh who became two of the tribes in Israel. The Israelites were exclusively given a land in Goshen where they became fruitful and multiplied.

7    约瑟的一生

创世记 37~ 50章


Panel Eight: Life of Moses

Exodus 1-40

Pharaoh died and there arose a new King who knew not Joseph and he began to persecute the Israelites. This picture traces the life of Moses, who is the son of a Levite. He was hidden in a basket, picked up by Pharaoh’s daughter, who brought him up in the palace. The burning bush is where Moses encountered God. Finally, after God sent ten plagues on Egypt, Pharaoh allowed the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses led them through the Red Sea. By God’s grace, all the Egyptian soldiers drowned while the Israelites walked on dry ground. The two law tablets depicts the 10 commandments Moses received from God at Mount Sinai. Moses represents God’s Law. After 40 years in  the wilderness, it was Joshua who led a new generation of Israelites into the Promised Land.

8     摩西的一生

出埃及记 1~40章


Panel Nine: Ruth and Root of Jesse

Judges and Ruth 1-4

During the period of the Judges, people did what was right in their own eyes. Each time Israel sinned, they will be oppressed by the enemies and cried out to God for help. God will then raise up judges to deliver them. This cycle continued till they asked God for a King to rule over them. Ruth is a gentile who lived during this period. She is the faithful widowed daughter- in- law of Naomi. She is here holding the sheaves of grains. She obeyed Naomi’s instructions to glean at Boaz’s field and later became his wife. Boaz is from the tribe of Judah and is the ancestor of Jessie, father of David, down to  Joseph and Mary, in the Messianic line of Jesus Christ. The plant with its roots depicts this.

9   路得与耶西之根



Panel Ten: David and Goliath

1 Samuel 16-17 and Psalm 23

Psalm 23, one of the psalms written by David, talks about the Lord as our Shepherd. David, himself a shepherd boy, got his strength and confidence by looking to God in faith. He often plays the harp and sing psalms while looking after his father’s sheep. With God’s help, he defeated the Philistine giant, Goliath, with only a sling and a stone. The golden Star of David and Scepter represents the reign of King David, which was the golden age in Israel’s history. He united the twelve tribes and led Israel to worship God as a nation. He was the one who made Jerusalem the capital and worship centre.

10   大卫与歌利亚



Panel Eleven: Prophet Elijah

1 Kings 18 and 2 Kings 1-2

Elijah was one of the prophets who prophesied during the period of the Kings in Israel. He lived during the reign of wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, who led Israel astray to worship Baal. This picture depicts the scene from Mount Carmel where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and won. God sent a fire and consumed his soaking wet sacrifice while the prophets of Baal’s sacrifice was left untouched no matter what they did. After this Jezebel wanted to kill him. Elijah represents the prophets.

At the end of his ministry, Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire witnessed by his disciple, Elishah, who is bald . Elijah threw his cloak over Elishah and he received a double portion of his anointing. Sure enough, Elishah performed twice as many miracles as Elijah as recorded in 2 Kings.

11   先知以利亚




Panel Twelve: The Exile and Pointing Ahead

2 Kings 24-25 and 2 Chronicles 36

After the reign of King Solomon, Israel was divided into the Northern Kingdom, called Israel and the Southern Kingdom, called Judah. After a succession of Kings, Israel fell captive to Assyria in 722 BC, who dispersed Israel to their different cities. Judah soon fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC, who sent them into exile. A remnant shall return. The picture shows the Israelites being led into exile and the cities burned. Here the prophet Isaiah tells Judah to bloom where they are planted and also to look ahead, for the Messiah is coming.

12    被掳与盼望



During the exile, the synagogue developed. Judah’s Babylonian captivity ended when Cyrus the Persian destroyed the Babylonian kingdom. A remnant of Israel returned to Jerusalem. Nehemiah led in the rebuilding of the City Walls and Ezra led in the revival of God’s Law. There was a renewed emphasis on separation which soon led to a conservative Judaism which only observed the letter of the law without recognizing the Spirit of God. The hope of Salvation is in the Coming of Jesus Christ…

Galatians 4: 4-5….At the right moment in History, when the world was ready, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons… The long awaited Savior has come at last!


加拉太书4:4一5 [ 及至时候满足,上帝就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下,要把律法以下的人赎出耒,叫我们得着儿子的名分。]


Panel Thirteen: The Angel’s Proclamation

Luke 1:26-35; 2: 8-20;Luke 2:21-39

The angel Gabriel announced to Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, a descendant of David, that she would have a virgin birth through the Holy Spirit. In this picture, the angel proclaims the good news to the shepherds that a Savior who is Christ the Lord is born…”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth goodwill toward men!”

After the shepherds had found and seen the infant Jesus, they praised God and spread the good news abroad. The rainbow of God’s Grace is seen here rising.

13  天使的宣告

路加1:26~35, 2:8~20; 路加2:21~31



[ 在至高之处荣耀归于上帝!在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人!]


Panel Fourteen: The Nativity

Matthew 2: 1-11

This picture shows Joseph and Mary with infant Jesus lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. Wise men from the East had followed God’s Star to Bethlehem to worship Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The wise men here are depicted by different races to let us know that Jesus has come for all of us. Whatever our race or background, we are welcome to worship Him.

14   耶稣的降生




Panel Fifteen: The Baptism Of Jesus

Matthew 3; Mark 1:1-13

This picture shows Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist. Immediately, when he came out of the water, the Heaven opened and the Spirit of God descended in the form of a dove and rested on Jesus’ head. Suddenly, a voice from heaven says, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. The Holy Trinity is revealed. Baptism is a means of God’s Grace to us.

15   耶稣的受洗




Panel Sixteen: Jesus Calms The Storm

Mark 4:35-41; Mark 3:13-19

When Jesus began His ministry, He called twelve disciples- Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alpheous, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. One day, Jesus was with them in a boat, sleeping. There was a great wave and windstorm.  Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “peace, be still”. The rainbow  behind the dark clouds is a reminder that though during the storm, we are unable to feel God’s presence, He is there with us. We can find His peace in the midst of a storm.

16  耶稣平静风浪

马可 4:35~41;徒1:13


有一天,耶稣和他的门徒在船上,耶稣睡着。忽然起了暴风巨浪,耶稣就斥责风,向海说:[ 住了吧!静了吧!]


Panel Seventeen: Jesus Blesses The Little Children

Matthew 19:13-14 ; Luke 18:15-17

Little children were brought to Jesus that He might lay His Hands on them and pray but the disciples tried to stop them. However, Jesus told them to let the children come to Him and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus blessed the little children.

17  耶稣祝福小孩

马太19:13~14;路加 18:15~17


Panel Eighteen: Five Loaves And Two Fish

John 6:1-13

Jesus performed many miracles. This picture depicts one where He fed five thousand. The boy offered his five loaves and two fish to Jesus. He prayed and gave thanks for them and the crowd was fed. There were even twelve baskets of fish and loaves left over. God can multiply whatever small gifts we offer to Him in faith.

18   五饼二鱼



Panel Nineteen: The Lord’s Supper

Matthew 26:1-30

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus and His disciples had a last meal in the upper room. Judas Iscariot, who held the money bag, would betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. The rest of the disciples were asking each other who could be the one betraying Jesus. John the beloved disciple liked to lean on Jesus. The Lord’s Supper is a significant act for the disciples to recognize Jesus each time He appears to them after the resurrection. Today when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we also recognize Jesus real presence with us in a personal way. That is why the next few panels are more upfront and close as we move from being just an observer to have a personal walk with the Lord.

19     最后的晚歺

马太 26:1~30





Panel Twenty: Jesus Prayer And His Crucifixion

John 17; Luke 22:39-48; Luke 23: 32-56

It was the darkest hour in History. The Son of God was going to die for the sin of mankind. Jesus agonized in prayer till His sweat was like great drops of blood dropping on the ground… “ Not my will, but Thine be done”… Jesus was crucified between two thieves. One of them mocked Jesus while the other was repentant. Jesus told the latter, “Today you will be with me in paradise”.

John 1:12- But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name.

20    耶稣的祷告与钉十字架

约翰17;路加22:39~48; 路加23:32~56

这是在历史上最黑暗的时刻,上帝的儿子要为世人的罪而被钉死,耶稣在客西马利园痛苦的祷告,以至汗珠如大血点,滴在地上…..“ 不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。”

耶稣被钉的十字架是在二个强盗的中间,有一个强盗嗤笑耶稣,而另一个强盗悔改,耶稣告诉这个强盗,“ 今日你要同我与乐园里。

约翰1:12  “ 凡接待他的,就是信祂名的人,祂就赐他们权柄作上帝的几女。

Panel Twenty-One: Jesus’ Resurrection

Mark 16; Matthew 28

On the third day after the crucifixion, an angel rolled the stone away for Jesus has conquered death and risen from the dead! The picture depicts Mary Magdalene looking sad before the angels announced to her that Christ is risen. Death has lost its sting-represented by the Light shining through the empty tomb and the rainbow of Grace. Jesus said, ”Do not be afraid. Go and tell….”

21    耶稣的复活

马可16;马太 28

在钉十架的第三日,有一位天使把坟墓的圆石滚开,耶稣战胜死亡,从死里复活。这幅画表现出抹大拉的马利亚,在天使还未告诉她耶稣已经复活了的时候,是满怀憂伤的。死亡已经失去它的毒钩~以阳光照入空的坟墓,恩典的彩虹作为代表。耶稣说:“ 不要怕,去告诉 ”。

Panel Twenty-Two: Day Of Pentecost-Coming Of The Holy Spirit

Acts 1: 4-11; Acts 2

After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples, each time they recognized him during the Lord’s Supper. Jesus asked His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come before He was taken up to Heaven in a cloud. The angel told them that He will come back in the same manner. On the Day of Pentecost, while they were praying in the upper room, the Holy Spirit, like tongues of fire came upon each of them and they spoke in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. As they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teachings, fellowship, breaking of bread and in prayers…many were saved daily. This is a high point in the early church history.

22    五旬节  ~ 圣灵降临




Panel Twenty-Three: The Great Commission

Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19-20

In this picture, the rainbow of Grace and the Holy Spirit enters our Church. The globe represents our Mission to preach the Gospel to all nations, making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded.

Panel Twenty-Four: The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 21; 22:12-21

This last panel shows the second coming of Christ the King. The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, the dead shall rise first. Then we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

There will be the New Heaven and New Earth where Christ will rule. He will wipe all tears away and make all things new. All the redeemed will be with our Lord forever and ever.

23    大使命

马太 24:14; 马太28:19~20


24       耶稣基督的第二次再耒

帖前 4:13~18;  启 21; 22:12~ 21
